Foods That Help to Moisturize Your Skin
Summer is coming to end and with that the hot, sunny weather will fade. Next, we’ll have Autumn followed by winter. Winter can be really rough on your skin. The cold, dry air strips your skin of its moisture making it much more important for you to find ways to hydrate & moisturize your skin. You can certainly do that with tons of products that cost you lots of money, but you can also do it with foods.
What Should You Eat?
There are several foods you can add to your diet, or eat more of if you already do, that will help give your skin some of its moisture back from the inside. Your best bet is to add as many of them as you can to maximize their benefit to you.
- Nuts – These little nutritious snacks have lots of natural oils in them. They also have some great vitamins that will aid in your quest to hydrate your face.
- Fish – Not just any fish, you want the fatty fish. Tuna, salmon, and herring are great choices. They are chocked full of omega-3. These are the fatty acids that toughen up the barrier of your skin so that moisture can’t get out.
- Sweet potatoes – Vitamin A in these is what these have. They have a lot of it and it helps repair damage to your skin so it can retain moisture more effectively.
- Avocado – This is a superfood for your skin. It has more than 20 vitamins, including E, and antioxidants, as well as minerals that will help hydrate & moisturize your skin.
- Cucumbers – They have more water contained in them than other vegetables, but you’ll also find vitamin A and C here. Both of these are good for adding moisture to the skin.
- Olive oil – It contains multiple things that help your skin, including monounsaturated fats, omega-3, and vitamin E.