Spend Your Bank Holiday Getting Fit and Trim
Anytime there is a bank holiday, it’s a fantastic time to spend your day in the gym. You already have the time and there’s no reason not to spend part of your day making sure you get in some exercise. Whether it’s May, June, or August, visiting a fitness centre can keep you active and give you something to do before heading out to a festival or show later on in the day. Here are some great ways to motivate yourself to take the time to continue your fitness journey.
Invite a Friend
Having someone around to keep you accountable is a great way to keep yourself motivated to hit the gym. The bank holidays are a great time to invite someone to join you for a workout. If you feel like someone else is counting on you to show up and be active, you’re more likely to get out of bed and do what needs to be done. Sometimes seeing a friend performing can also cause you to push yourself harder.
Hire a Trainer
If you aren’t sure if you’re doing the right workout or using a machine in the proper way, a trainer can add a lot to your fitness experience. While trainers make a workout cost more, they also add a lot of additional value. They can offer tips on nutrition and help you come up with a program based on your unique goals.
Switch Things Up
Sometimes if you do the same exercise every time you visit the gym, it can get a little boring. One way to remove boredom from the equation is by trying something new. Try a machine that you don’t usually use or incorporate a new exercise you’ve been interested in. You can also try joining a group activity for something to really reinvigorate you.
Bank holidays are the perfect time to head into the gym to keep your body fit and trim. Planet Health offers all the fitness equipment you could want and we’re happy to be open for your needs. You can learn more by visiting www.PlanetHealthLimerick.ie.